Monday, August 6, 2012

Massland Real Estate Commercial Development, Commercial Property

Mark Rolton and the Massland Team have a wealth of knowledge in the area of commercial developments. Not only do they teach people how to develop and build commercial property, they also source commercial sites for developers.

Mark Rolton is Australia's Leading Authority on Property Options and is an expert on working closely with councils to ensure successful Development Approvals. In nine years Mark has never missed a developmental approval.

Commercial Property is an exciting and lucrative sector of Real Estate development and investing. Commercial Property is all about returns – the cash returns that the landlord receives as rent on the finished premises. It is therefore important to select a commercial property carefully.

Following is the Selection Criteria used by Mark Rolton and the Massland Team when searching for commercial deals.

- Must be approximately within 20 kms of CDB

- Purchase rates for raw land without DA 0 – 0

- Construction costs (incl.

aircon) 50m2 – 50m2

- Construction Contingencies — 4% -5%

- 25m2 per car parking space

- Parking ratio 1:18 (18m2 lettable space per car park)


Trading Blocks

Trading blocks of residential property between developers and project builders is a great investment strategy. Being able to successfully identify and capitalize on these investment opportunities is crucial to successfully using property options.

Property Developers are eager to sell their land fast to increase their profits, so by creating a strong sales path we help the Developers achieve their goals.

By creating volume for the developers we can then ask for discounts.

An example of this in action is where a Developer needs pre-sales in order to be approved for finance for the development of their upcoming real estate. The developer is seeking approximately 35% pre-sales to qualify for finance; this is where an opportunity arises for investors to profit.

Mark Rolton is a Property Options expert who has made millions using these and other techniques of trading blocks. He teaches how to successfully trade blocks as well as heaps of other property investment tools at his 3 day seminar – Real Estate University. Find out more at Property Options or order a FREE DVD from the right side of this website.

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